PHONE:(02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Negative Levels
Students do not always do what they are supposed to do. At times they fail to live up to the standards that the College and their parents expect. In doing so they not only hurt themselves, but they hurt others.

This may be physical, but more often it impinges on the rights of others, such as the right to an education or the right to be able to participate in a class activity. When such unacceptable behaviour occurs, consequences follow just as they do when acceptable behaviour occurs.

As students can move up through the Level System, they can also move down through the Level System. They move through Level Three to Level Five, which is the lowest level. After this level he is deemed to be out of the normal system and in a special programunder the auspices of the Pastoral Care Coordinator and/or the Deputy Principal.

A student moves from Level 3 to Level 4 by being suspended as a result of timeout or by accumulating 3 detentions. He moves from Level 4 to Level 5 by obtaining further suspensions. Level changes are effective from the day on which the student receives his suspension.

A student who is placed on Level 4 needs to recognize that his actions are inappropriate and needs to modify his behaviour accordingly in order to progress back to Level 3. At this stage parents will be contacted again and students will be offered various support mechanisms that the College has available including Counselling. Other support mechanisms include interviews and monitoring sheets.

A student who is placed on Level 5 could face some or all of the following consequences:

  • Not attending disco
  • Not attending internal or external excursions or special class activities
  • Not representing the College in any capacity
  • Parent interview with the Pastoral Care Coordinator and/or Deputy Principal
  • Not attending Friday activities
  • Lengthier suspensions

Boys who move down to Levels 4 and 5 as a result of suspension will be placed on a classroom-monitoring sheet where teachers will comment on their behaviour and application each lesson. Boys will move up one level (eventually back to level three) when their sheets over a five or ten day period show a rating of three or above (out of five) for 80% or more of the time. Boys who, after suspension, move down to levels four or five can also apply to return to a higher level via the usual certificate procedure.


Timeout is designed to give teachers a quick, effective way to deal with misbehavior in the classroom, misbehavior that is preventing them from teaching and preventing students from learning. Timeout will also provide the student with the opportunity to reflect on inappropriate behaviour and whether he is achieving his goals. Over time the changes will assist students to modify inappropriate behaviour and prevent it from escalating to a more serious situation. Parents will be involved at an early stage – they will be notified in writing if their son’s behaviour is beginning to be problematic to him and others.


Students may receive a range of punishments for misbehaviour. In addition to level changes they may also receive Detentions (Thursday, Friday or Saturday). These are notified in writing.
Students will be given a Thursday Detention for the following:

  • Unacceptable behaviour (spitting, graffiti, throwing food)
  • Serious insolence or offensive behaviour;
  • Truanting from a period;
  • Misbehaviour on public transport;
  • Bringing offensive or inappropriate material to school;
  • Other matters as determined by the appropriate authority

Students may be given a Friday or Saturday detention at the discretion of Pastoral Care Coordinator for:

  • Constant attendance at Thursday detention
  • Truanting for a significant part of a day
  • Other serious instances of misbehaviour


On rare occasions a student’s behaviour warrants more serious action than a detention. When very serious disregard of school rules occurs, a student may be suspended. Such an action is not taken lightly and sends a clear message that the student is pushing the limits of his enrolment. Examples of such actions are:

  • Serious misbehaviour, including assault or bullying;
  • Bringing or using alcohol or prohibited drugs or weapons to school or a school function.
  • Other matters as determined by the appropriate authority.

Extreme misbehaviour may result in immediate suspension from school.


Students may be expelled for one or more serious breach of the College discipline code.
For pastoral reasons the above may be varied by the Principal.
See Suspension and Expulsion Policy for rights of appeal.